Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So...why Ireland?

Isn't Ireland already a "Christian" country? Is there really a mission field there? Sounds like more of a vacation than a "mission".

I have to admit that these were some of my thoughts as God began laying this place and people on my heart. It turns out there is a lot about this country that I did not know! For example...
  • Ireland has the lowest percentage of evangelical Christians in all English-speaking countries in the world. Within a country that has over 4 million people and growing, only 30 thousand or so (less than 1%) say that they have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In addition, Ireland ranks toward the top of European countries in regards to teenage suicide, teenage pregnancy, drinking, smoking, and unwed mother rates. Cocaine & heroin use is on the rise among all socio-economic levels, and divorce (previously illegal until 1997) is a new difficulty that families are adjusting to.
  • Ireland is young, growing, and global. 40% of the population is under the age of 25 and 60% is under the age of 40. Due to the economic boom over the last 12+ years known as the "Celtic Tiger", the Irish are experiencing new high-paying jobs and increased opportunities. Wealth and materialism have contributed to an increasingly secular lifestyle for many. This phenomenon has also created a vacuum for less desirable jobs, attracting immigrants from other nations that bring their various beliefs and faiths with them.
  • Revival is beginning to happen! While Catholicism is still an influence on the culture and country, few people have a living relationship with God. As little as 40 years ago, evangelical pastors were persecuted and imprisoned. More than 60% of evangelical churches have started within the last 25 years; 40% have started within the last 10 years. Most of these churches are very small - between 20-50 members and sometimes without trained or paid leadership. Today, there are approximately 400 evangelical congregations in Ireland (an increase from 150 in 1980).

So...why Ireland? The real reason is because that is where I feel that the Lord is leading me. However, in my research, I was amazed at the need that is present there! I just pray that God will use me this summer to draw people closer to Him.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


This is my first go at the whole blogging thing - but I wanted to provide a forum to document and share what God is doing in my family's life - so this is it!

Over the last several months I have felt a calling to share the Good News of Jesus Christ by using the universal language of sports. This summer, God has provided the opportunity for me to live this out as I travel to Ireland to work alongside a church-planting missionary there.

Todd James and his family have lived in Ireland for over 20 years and have started a church in Dublin. Todd has discovered that an effective outreach is running basketball camps for young people in the summer. You can check out the missionary organization that Todd works with at www.friendsmission.com. I will be coming along-side Todd to assist with coaching these camps and sharing the message of love, hope, and salvation with the kids who attend them.

There are still several details to be worked out, but I am so excited to have this chance to see God's plan and provision in action!

I plan on posting updates regularly - up to and through my assignment that begins July 12th and ends July 26th.

Thank you for checking out the blog and for your interest in our lives. God Bless!