Sunday, March 22, 2009

Being Called

I heard a great quote today in church from a visiting missionary who used to serve in Mali (West Africa).

"God does not call those who are qualifed, He qualifies those who are called."


I know that I have wrestled so many times with feelings of inadequacy when I think about being a full-time missionary. There are so many others who are more educated, more articulate, or more mature in their faith than I. How is a sinner like me qualified to share my faith with others?

That quote above forces me to remember that is not about me - it is about what the Holy Spirit does through me (or maybe even in spite of me). I can only try my best to diligently share Christ with others and live my life in a way that allows me to be ready to witness when opportunities arise. No matter what I say, it is God who takes that experience, shapes it, and helps the person remember it along the way.

Most people do not come to Christ in a single moment. There is not usually a dramatic conversion story where lightning strikes, the earth trembles, and the voice of God is heard (Paul on the road to Damascus exluded).

More often, someone comes to Christ as a culmination of events and people who have played a part in their life. You never know how God may use what you say or do to influence someone a year or 10 years from now. And that is worth remembering when you pass by someone who you know could use encouragement, or you choose to hold your tongue when you know that taking a stand is the right thing to do.

I am so thankful that I do not have to be "qualified" to be called! God is qualifying me along the way and I am happy to be along for the ride.

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