Monday, June 8, 2009's a short cut to getting on the mission field!

Made you look! There are no short cuts!

It has been an interesting few days for us. Our support level is still at 77%. We have often remarked to each other that it would be easier if the remainder would just come in today, or if the exchange rate would improve, or if this or that... Basically, how nice would it be if there was some type of short cut we could take to get to Ireland like, tomorrow!

I'm reminded of a story about two lumberjacks, one who was young & strong and one who was old & wise. The young man was bragging about how many trees he could chop down in a day. The older man couldn't keep from laughing at the young man's boasting. With his pride offended, the youth replied, "What are you laughing at, old man? I could cut down more trees in a day than you could dream of!" This only made the old man laugh harder and they decided to make a wager on who could cut down the most trees in a day. The next morning on the word "Go!", the young man flew in to the forest and you could hear the crack of the axe echoing off the mountain as he attacked each tree. But the old man sauntered off to the tool shed, grabbed a file, and started sharpening his axe. At the end of the day, the old man had won.

There are several lessons here that apply to ministry/missions/evangelism. It is not something to be rushed in to, preparation is key, and it is good practice to keep your "axe" sharp. I believe anyone who is called to ministry or missions is also called to be successful in that endeavor, with God's grace. My definition of success here is to win people to Christ and bless the next generation - or in other words, reproduce reproducers who can share the gospel.

Here are some ways that I am looking to keep my axe sharp while I wait upon the Lord so that I am prepared for the opportunities that will come in His timing:

1) Practice faithfulness - I want to hold firm to the call that I believe God has given me. I want to offer everything that I am and have to Him, and allow Him to use me for a successful ministry. I realize that any success realized is not of my own skill or knowledge, but is a result of my faithfulness to His calling.

2) Be in prayer - Acts 1:14 "Those with one mind were constantly devoting themselves to prayer" Philippians 4:6 "do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God"
I highlighted the words in red because what stood out to me here is to constantly be in prayer about everything! Bringing our requests before God is both our privilege and our duty. Jesus modeled intentional, fervent, and undistracted times of prayer - if Jesus needed to pray, how much more so do we!

3) Be in God's Word - The bible is a map to understanding God and His purpose for our lives. It shows us how to live with and love each other. I do not want to wander in the wilderness as we set out to the mission field - I want to vividly know and live by the best map there is!

4) Find encouragement - Some of this can be accomplished through the points already listed, but what I really mean here is being encouraged by other believers. I'm not talking about just going to church, saying hello, and being polite. I desire people that can share in the ups & downs of life and be there to encourage me, and I them - it is a two way street.

We very much want to be on the mission field, but I do not want any short cut and I do not want to be beating on trees with axe handles. I want to keep my axe sharp and " a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work" (2 Timothy 2:12).

As strong as our desire is to get to Ireland, Sarah & I have been reminded that it is not about us. It is about the people there that will be reached with the good news as God uses us for His purpose. Ireland is a country in great need and our prayer is to be used to help meet some of that need. Our passion about our calling is stronger than ever and we remain faithful to He who called us. What a joy and an honor it is to watch God work!

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