Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Update on Us

Wow...how the time flies by!!

We have been very busy in the process of getting settled in and have already been involved in quite a bit of outreach, training, etc.

Here is a brief timeline of what we have been up to since the last post in early August.

  • Aug 1st-15th: Involved with Big Red Bus and evangelism events with team visiting from Holland on a short-term trip
  • Aug 16th: We moved in to the house we are renting, in a place called Portrunny, near Lough Ree
  • Aug 24th: Dax's first official day at the office at Lacken House
  • Aug 24th: Met with one of the top basketball coaches in Ireland to see about getting involved with his program - very excited about the opportunities here!
  • Aug 30th: Finn's 3rd birthday!
  • Sept 1st: Liam's first day of school
  • Sept 3rd: Ran a basketball practice for a girl's high school team in Athlone
  • Sept 4th: Played late-night basketball with a group of guys from Athlone
  • Sept 9th: Liam's 5th birthday!
  • Sept 10th: Taught a class on the book of Acts to our "Immersion" class
  • Sept 11th: Shared a devotion for the team at OM Ireland and taught another class to Our "Immersion" team on the book of Revelation
  • Sept 12th: Sarah had a Dr. appt to check on the baby, everything went well and the doctor thought it could be any day now!
I am so excited to see what God is doing here in Ireland and how he is going to use our family and what we are going to learn from Him. It seems as though some doors are already opening for sports ministry here. God has placed one of the top basketball coaches in the country in my path and there is a great opportunity there to take part in the program he has established - which could go a long way to creating some inroads within the community. I am looking at a possible event near the end of November involving rugby if God works everything out. And further down the road, I am making contacts to partner with other groups in an effort to do some short-term work at the World Cup in South Africa next summer.

Sarah and the boys are doing well. Sarah, of course, is quite uncomfortable at the moment and really ready to have the baby. She looks absolutely beautiful! Liam is really enjoying school and seems to be blossoming there. Finn is adjusting to not having big brother around all day and is really surprising us with his verbal skills.

We have not managed to get Internet service at our home yet. For some reason, which no one at the phone company can explain to me, our phone line is "not eligible" for high-speed internet service. We are looking at other options and praying that God will provide in this - as we really would like to be in more constant communication with our family and support team.

One major item we have left to do is to buy a car for me. We had a car given to us after we arrived here which will work for the family car - praise God! I'm hoping to get this resolved in the next couple of days.

We are reminded every day that God has blessed us and provides for all of our needs. We can't say thank you enough to those of you who are praying for us and supporting us from back home.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Wow...amazing all that God has done in opening up doors for ministry!!! I will start praying that your home line becomes high speed internet eligible, we'd love to Skype with you all! Can't wait to hear the news of the baby's arrival too! And who would of thought a year ago, we were in Atlanta, and now you are in Ireland!

    Praying for you, Angela
